strength training resistance training Pakistan Gym Everfit Fitness






Building and maintaining muscle is necessary for all of us, especially as we age. And the earlier we start, the better.

Weight training is a type of strength training that uses weights for resistance. Weight training provides a stress to the muscles that causes them to adapt and get stronger, similar to the way aerobic conditioning strengthens your heart.

  • Building/Maintaining Muscle Mass

Sarcopenia is a common side effect of ageing. It’s a term given to the involuntary loss of muscle, strength and function in a progressive manner that takes place as we age. Studies show that muscle mass reduces 3-8% every decade after the age of 30 and this natural process of ageing occurs even at a faster pace after the age of 60.

It is important to continuously build and maintain muscle for better skeletal function to help stabilize bones and joints, maintain and improve posture and even protect vital organs in the body. Imagine a skeleton without muscles attached to it, what is going to happen to it once you leave it to stand on its own? It will collapse. Stronger muscles will help reduce the chance of injury and provide strong pillars that hold the body up against gravity.


  • Joint Support

Building muscle and strength training has proven to improve joint function as well as prevent and reduce joint pain by strengthening muscles surrounding them.


  • Reduce Stress by weight training

For many years, studies have repeatedly shown and confirmed that any form of physical exercise reduces anxiety and stress by producing happy hormones such as endorphins. Weightlifting reduces stress significantly, which in today’s world is absolutely necessary. It improves focus, muscle-mind connection and makes us feel alive. Seeing your body improve and get stronger after every session is a very rewarding feeling  and boosts your confidence.


Weight training Everfit pakistan gym


  • Boosts Metabolism/Helps Burn Fat

Imagine a strong heavy duty car versus a smaller less powerful vehicle. Which one burns more fuel? I think we would all agree on the former. Now imagine a body that is stronger and has more lean muscle versus a body that contains lesser muscle mass. Which one would burn more energy/calories? I think we would all agree on the former, in most cases.

A person who carries more muscle tends to have a higher RMR, resting metabolic rate, in comparison to someone whose body contains lesser muscle mass. Our bodies burn more calories trying to fuel muscle and its function meaning the more muscle we have, the more calories we burn. Research suggests that for every pound of muscle, we burn roughly 6 calories per day while at rest. A pound of fat burns approximately 2 calories per day. Weightlifting helps build muscle which as a result increases our resting metabolism and a faster metabolism is associated with fat-loss as we burn more calories throughout the day.


  • Growth Hormone/Bone Density/Osteoporosis

Reduced growth hormone is often associated with reduced bone density in adults that occurs as a result of ageing. Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weaker and fragile. Bone loss caused by this condition can cause bones to become brittle to a point where moves as simple as standing or bending or even coughing can cause bones to break or fracture.

This condition is believed to be a “silent disease” due to the fact that no significant symptoms or warnings occur until the patient experiences bone fracture/breakage. Osteoporosis can affect anyone regardless of age but is more common in older people, especially postmenopausal women. Weight lifting helps avoid injuries related to osteoporosis by supporting/improving bone health.


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