good posture Pakistan Gym Everfit Fitness



Head tilted forward, rounded thoracic spine, a stiff neck, back-related pains, and aches…Sounds familiar? Unfortunately, as a result of today’s lifestyles, more and more people suffer from poor posture and pains accompanied by it. Lack of physical activity, overuse of mobile phones/smart devices, desk jobs, and hours of sitting behind a screen all result in poor posture which has an impact on our overall health. Good posture helps prevent neck and back pain, not to mention it aesthetically appears more attractive.

The rapid rise of smartphone usage in the past two decades has increased the number of people suffering from a Dowager’s hump. A condition commonly found amongst the elderly has now found its way into the lives of the younger generation. The forward positioning of the neck and the constant slouching caused by the over-usage of smartphones is causing postural kyphosis in more and more youngsters. Kyphosis is a spinal condition where the spine excessively curves outward. While the condition is not life-threatening, it can affect your quality of life and cause pain.

Some experts even suggest that poor posture can contribute to premature aging by tightening facial and neck muscles causing the skin to be pulled and dragged down.

The good news is, there are many stretching and strengthening exercises that can help you correct your bad posture given you give up the habits causing the problem.

Let’s dig into it and start improving your posture, not tomorrow, not next week…Starting NOW.

Here are 5 exercises you can do in the comfort of your home for a better posture.


Chin Tucks

Whether you suffer from a “tech neck” or a “dowager’s hump”, performing chin tucks will help strengthen the neck muscles and keeps the neck aligned correctly with the spine.

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You can do this in a seated position, standing or lying down on your back. Start by relaxing your neck and shoulders, then tuck your chin straight back straightening the back of your neck. If you don’t see a double chin while doing this exercise, you are probably not doing it right. You should be able to feel the tension in your deep cervical flexors and lower cervical extensors accompanied by a stretch in the scalene and suboccipital muscles. Hold for a few seconds and repeat 5-7 sets of 10 daily.



A weak core can contribute to poor posture, slouching, and even lower back pain. Strong abdominal muscles can provide support for the spine and protect the back from injuries. The core is the bridge that connects the lower body with the upper body. The stronger this bridge, the better the balance and the alignment of the body.

Plank posture exercises everfit pakistan

Of course, everything goes hand in hand, but the body functions best when each part comes together strongly as a whole. Plank is a great way to strengthen the core and not only that, this isometric movement strengthens a number of other muscles such as the trapezius and the rhomboid muscles (the upper back), the shoulders, the chest, the arms, and the legs. Performing planks in correct form is an excellent way to improve posture. Perform 2-3 sets of 30 seconds or more daily.


Doorway Pectoral Stretch

Hours of sitting behind a desk, a screen, and continuously looking down with shoulders rounded forward can jam the chest muscles. The constant slouching and bad posture can cause the chest muscles to tighten up so much that you can physically feel chest pains. Sounds horrible, doesn’t it?

posture excercises everfit pakistan

Stand in front of a doorway facing forward with your hands perpendicularly raised up to the sides and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Place your elbows and your hands on the door frame and step forward with one foot till you feel a gentle stretch in your chest and back muscles. Hold for 15-20 seconds and release. This stretch can also be done one side at a time.

To do this variation, follow the same steps but instead of stepping forward while one elbow and hand are on the doorway, turn your body slightly to the opposite direction and look over your opposite shoulder while stretching. Make sure not to over-stretch. Perform this patiently and gently.


Cat-Cow Stretch

Cat-Cow is a yoga pose that aims to stretch the back, the neck, the spine and helps increase mobility. It’s a relaxing synchronized breath movement that improves posture and balance. The cat-cow stretch activates a number of muscles in the body including the lower back, the hip flexors, the upper back, and the abdominal muscles.


posture excercises everfit pakistan

Begin this stretch by placing your hands on the mat shoulder width apart and your knees parallel to your hips in a tabletop position. Keep a neutral spine. Curl your toes under, inhale and arch your back until your tailbone points upwards and you feel a deep stretch in your spine. Drop your belly down while keeping your core engaged.

Gently look up towards the ceiling without overextending the neck. That is for the cow pose. Now for the cat pose, start by uncurling your toes and placing your feet flat on the floor, tuck in your tailbone, and draw your pelvis forward creating a C-shape with your spine. Push your hands against the mat and your shoulder blades away from each other stretching them apart in opposite directions. Drop your head down keeping your gaze at your navel while you exhale. Repeat a few times a day.


Downward Facing Dog

Downward Dog is an excellent stretch for the posterior chain. It creates length and stretches the body starting from the neck, through the back, the hamstrings, all the way down to the calves, the ankles, and the heels. This stretch can help with back pain and tight muscles that contribute to poor posture which as a result can cause discomfort.

posture excercises

Start this stretch in a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the ground/mat. Shoulders stay above the wrists, fingers spread wide, knees hip-width apart and toes curled under. Take the knees off the mat, and push the hips up towards the ceiling while your arms are straight pushing your core and hips away from the floor.

With your chest facing your thighs, aim to reach your heels down toward the floor. If this is too challenging to hold, paddle out your feet while pushing one heel down at a time. If you’re a beginner or find keeping your legs straight difficult, keep your knees slightly bent. Hold 3-5 breaths and repeat 2-3 times a day.

The exercises/stretches above need to be done regularly and consistently in order to work. Please remember to keep a good posture throughout the day for maximum results as hours and hours of poor posture cannot always be undone with exercises. Keeping a good posture is necessary in order to maintain results. If you have any injuries or conditions, please consult your doctor before performing these exercises.


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