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Is sugar really worth it?

  • What is sugar?

Sweeteners that are produced from sugar cane, corn, fruit, honey, agave, fructose, white and brown sugar, and juice among many others are about half fructose and half glucose.

Glucose is turned into glycogen and stored in the cells for energy. If you need to replenish energy stores quickly after an intense workout or activity, glucose is the best choice, but from a body composition standpoint, it should be avoided.

Fructose is metabolized by the liver. Studies show that eating foods with high fructose can put you at greater risk of diabetes, and lead to fat gain, especially visceral belly fat.


  • The problem with sugar

Sugar has the effect of altering hormone response and brain function so that we are driven to eat more of it. There is a serious flaw with the argument that sugar is okay in moderation. We don’t seem to be able to control ourselves when it comes to sugar intake.

We aren’t to blame for loving sugar. It basically hijacks the brain to persistently crave more sugar, a craving that the vast majority are not able to overcome.

It is nearly impossible to avoid sugar since almost all processed foods contain added sugar, intensifying their cravings. If you are eating processed foods regularly, you are putting yourself at risk of insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity.

sugar on table

  • Tips to avoid sugar

  •  Eliminate processed foods

The easiest way to avoid sugar is to eliminate all processed foods and instead opt for whole foods.

  •  Start by limiting sugar intake

If you are a sugar junkie and can’t stop yourself, start by cutting back. Aim for 100 calories a day, which is about 25 grams a day.

  • Avoid Fruit Juice at all cost

Juice has all of the sugar with none of the fiber. Liquid sugar (most of which is fructose), is quickly converted into fat so, from a body composition perspective, it’s one of the worst things you can consume.

  • Remove Sugar from foods or beverages

If you drink lots of tea or coffee with added sugar, opt for Stevia instead.

  • Read Food Labels

Avoid products that have added sugar. Check the ingredients list for all of the following: Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, agave, molasses, brown sugar, and fruit juice concentrates.


In short, eating sugar becomes a non-stop loop where you constantly crave more sugar, and eating more sugar to satisfy those cravings in turn makes you crave even more sugar. For optimal body composition, sugar is absolutely not worth it. Eliminating it is the best choice for getting and staying lean, preventing diabetes, and a host of other health problems.

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