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Which is better for getting rid of belly fat? Aerobic or Anaerobic training?

Research shows that the BEST way to get rid of belly fat is to train hard with short bursts of exercise, a style that taps into the anaerobic energy system more than the aerobic.

There is overwhelming evidence that belly fat loss is best achieved with a high, but varied intensity. Of course, this does not mean you should kill yourself in the gym.

Here are 5 reasons to favor this style of training by lifting weights and doing sprints rather than spending hours on a treadmill.

1 – Burn more belly fat with Intervals

Research show that high-intensity interval training is the best conditioning strategy for losing belly fat.

Interval training works so well because it requires the body to adapt metabolically – your body is forced to burn fat to sustain the level of intensity being asked of it. It also elevates energy use for more than 24 hours post-workout, which has a dramatic effect on belly fat loss.

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Aerobic exercises tend to burn carbohydrates first and activate pathways that are degrading to muscle, whereas high-intensity exercises such as weight lifting and sprinting will burn a greater percentage of fat and activate pathways that lead to muscle development.

2 – Hormone Response

High Intensity Intervals and anaerobic exercises improve your endocrine system. They enhance the cells’ sensitivity to insulin, making it a successful treatment for diabetes.


It also elevates growth hormone (GH) – a powerful fat burning hormone that helps restore tissue and build muscle. Another hormone called adiponectin is released from fat tissue during exercise which helps burn fat.

3 – Less Cortisol release

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is elevated when you are under both physical and psychological stress. Research shows cortisol is significantly higher in endurance athletes.

4 – Less Boring

Strength training and High Intensity Intervals Training take less time and provide more variety compared to aerobic training. Instead of getting on the treadmill for 40-50 minutes and doing the same thing every time you hit the gym, you get to do many different exercises in your training session.

5 – Strength Training to Lose

If you dislike interval training, you can train larger muscles with heavy volume and short rests to aid in trimming your midsection. High intensity resistance training is excellent for increasing GH which helps with muscle gain and fat-loss.
You can do multi-joint exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench-press, pull-ups, squat and deadlift variations. Add a few isolated exercises between or after only if you have extra time.

Train with higher intensity and include some exercises in 70 – 80 percent of 1RM range.
Aim for 3 to 4 workout sessions which include resistance training and interval training.

There is overwhelming evidence that belly fat loss is best achieved with anaerobic exercise that is with a high, but varied intensity. Be mindful of nutrition, train hard and see your belly shrink!


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